Deepening bone structure-property relationships to design novel nanocomposites for bone scaffolds

i) optimization of the 3D printing process and exploitation of different bio-compatible treatment;
ii) high-resolution imaging of bone scaffold interface using synchrotron technology and implementation of bone-scaffold;
iii) definition of the structure-property relationships of bone for fracture toughness at the microscale;
iv) identification of the systematic changes in lamellar level fracture behaviour as a function of pathology;
v) design, synthesize, and characterize nanocomposites mimicking the fibrillar structure of bone at the microscale.

Topic in Brief
As part of WP1, the DC at EMPA will employ focused ion beam (FIB) based methods for fracture mechanical analysis[1] of individual bone lamellae and internal interfaces (e.g. interlamellar interfaces and cement lines). S/he will combine the mechanical experiments with polarized Raman spectroscopy-based assessment of local microstructure (orientation and degree of mineralization). This study will provide important insights into the local fracture behaviour of bone lamellae at the microscale as a function of the relative orientation between the crack and the mineralized fibrils.

Enrolment &
Planned Secondments
Enrolment: EMPA
1) NTNU, Prof. Filippo Berto: To develop a model taking into account the anisotropy of the lamellar bone ultrastructure that can be used for an in-depth analysis of the experimental results.
2) TUE, Prof. Sandra Hofmann: to study the biocompatibility of the newly developed nanocomposite scaffolds.

Expected Results
i) to quantify changes in bone quality as a function of pathology for a group of human samples provided by POLIMI and to highlight changes in tissue properties leading to increased fracture risk;
iii) to identify biomarkers, e.g. based on spectroscopy, to non-invasively assess the relevant factors influencing fracture risk;
iv) to design, synthesize and characterize biomimetic nanocomposites using microscale additive manufacturing techniques as part of WP3, to develop scaffolds mimicking the properties and inherent porosity of cortical bone.