From the synchrotron images to multi-scale numerical models

i) To classify the morphological and structural meso-scale features that lead to fracture;
ii) to understand the damage multi-scale mechanisms of bones by means of multi-scale numerical models;
iii) to implement reliable meso and micro-scale numerical damage models;
iv) to compare the damage models with experimental results and validate them.

Topic in Brief
The improved accuracy of imaging techniques permits the implementation of more detailed computational damage models that have the advantage of functioning as virtual experiments on the considered sample. In particular, micro-FE linear models seem to show the optimal balance between degree of complexity and computational costs. A huge potentiality of those models lies in the capability to simulate the changes of bone architecture and material properties in response to aging and disease.

Enrolment &
Planned Secondments
Enrolment: POLIMI
1) Prof. D. Taylor, TCD, Month 15 (3): to develop different numerical models and compare the corresponding modelling approaches and obtain optimal models.
2) Prof. G. Banfi, IOG, Month 32 (3): to study and classify the different structural and morphological fracture that lead fracture in bones.

Expected Results
i) A classification of all the morphological and structural features that lead to fracture at meso-scale;
ii) numerical models at the meso and micro-scale with optimal mesh progressive refinement;
iii) fracture mechanics parameters calculated by numerical models;
iv) comparison of these numerical parameters with experimental multi-scale results.