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Cittadinanzattiva (CATT) is an Italian non-profit organization founded in 1978. It is independent from political parties, trade unions, private companies and public institutions. It is recognized as a consumer organization since 2000. Cittadinanzattiva main objectives are the promotion of civic participation and the protection of citizens’ rights in Italy and in Europe. It considers citizens a fundamental resource for democracy who play an active role in society and should have the opportunity to participate in everyday policy-making.  The headquarters, located in Rome, coordinate and support the national and European activities. The fields in which Cittadinanzattiva is particularly active are health, with the Tribunal for Patient Rights, consumer and user rights, with the Citizens’ Advocates, education and training, with the School for active citizenship, justice, with Justice for Citizens' Rights, European citizenship, with Active Citizenship Network and Corporate Social Responsibility .

© Copyright 2023 - GAP: image-Guided computational and experimental Analysis of fractured Patients

This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) grant agreement No 101120290 (GAP)

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